Covid-19 Alert Level 4 Services: Courier Services

Now that we are having to operate at Covid-19 Alert Level 4, and given the latest news and information from the New Zealand Government, there is a chance that New Zealand may be in lockdown for longer than expected.

Over the past year, Tastok has been working to make Covid-19 Alert Levels easier and safer for our customers to work with us in.

Our safest service is our courier service. We have accounts with most (if not all) of the courier services available in New Zealand, and internationally (mainly DHL). We can help with getting a courier to get goods from your bubble, to our warehouse. Using our online form, this service is available to everyone and anyone that has a computer or smart device.

We will need to know the weight and size of the package(s) you intend to have couriered to us. Filling in our customer form will help the process go through faster.

Contact us for more information. Kia totonu, kia nonofo mo e puipui mo e leveki e tau momoui.


Covid-19 Alert Level 4 Services: Online Orders


Sea Freight Update (Olomana Voyage 134N)